
A number of people have asked me to put up a blog documenting my travels, so I am finally making that happen. Over the next few months, I’ll be going back through old photos and writing up reports on some of my favorite trips. I’m backdating the posts so they appear as though they were written at the time of the trip, which is partially true.

In previous versions of my personal site, I found I was spending too much time reinventing the wheel trying to build everything myself, and tweak the design to make it just right. I didn’t put as much effort into posting new stuff.

So, I played around with a number of web frameworks to rebuild my site, and decided that Jekyll (using the Minimal Mistakes theme) on Netlify is the perfect setup for my needs. I love the speed and simplicity with which I was able to get this site off the ground, and as an attention to detail appreciator and pixel-perfection OCD sufferer, the simple and elegant design aesthetic afforded by this theme lets me focus on content, since the defaults tend to “just work”, and customizing where needed is a breeze. It’s also a completely free static site hosting option… no complaints there :)


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